It’s a fact: lead generation hasn’t been easier in this day and age of automation and technology integration. But it also means something else: lead quality goes down! And for any marketer (especially one efficient in sales enablement) knows that’s a major no-no.
As I, Joey Matterhorn, would say: no-no’s are a no-no. They’re a one-way ticket to a dead wire with no connectivity. But thankfully we’ve got the goods to injecting more of the voltage your sales and marketing will need.
It’s called lead validation.
What is “lead validation”?

It’s a form of automation that allows an organization to collect leads and compare them to existing data sources – such as names, addresses, email, phone.
If there’s a match with the leads, it’s more of a positive hypothetical that the lead is of “high quality,” because, in essence, it’s not fake!
Sometimes we refer to them as “dead leads.” Just no energy in them – voltage is all gone.
The trick in avoiding those dead leads is by knowing how to spot them – and that’s where lead validation comes into play.
Starting with:
#1: Improving overall lead generation
Essentially, finding better leads, well, leads to finding more of those better leads via an improved lead generation process. Why?
Because seeing what works in the process allows for increased replication across other sub-verticals and/or divisions within an organization. Marketers get fitted with the road map that shows which techniques work and what underperforms.
That then leads to generating even more high-quality real leads and conversions with minimal effort.
#2: Improving sales management efficiency
Additionally, avoiding the dead leads ensures no one on the sales team wastes their time with them. As anyone knows: a sales team that’s largely ineffective, wasting time consulting or presenting on basically a “dead lead” wastes time and money.
A way to validate leads, however, allows those teams to better identify the prospect of winning accounts a lot easier. Prioritization takes place. Conversion rates go up. More money’s made.
#3: Improving promotion strategies
One of the more surprising things lead validation does is open a window of insight into forecasting. If marketing reveals more quality leads showing up in a particular vertical, for example, it can influence how promotion operates later on.
That then works hand-in-hand with marketing to pivot and operate on different angles, opening up new revenue channels and also remaining competitive within the industry.
#4: Improving cost-reduction measures
Chances are you’re not a stranger to high marketing and advertising costs. Has anyone seen how expensive Google Ads can be? Yet lead validation streamlines it all by getting you that much closer to arbitrage and ROI –
Case in point, spending $2 to make $4 is better than spending $2 to make $3. You’ll find that every penny counts on a marketing budget, so you’re only doing your organization a major solid by simply qualifying your leads.
#5: Improving branding and reputation
Lastly, this one may be a surprise at first, but it all makes sense in the end.
What happens when your sales and marketing teams are constantly barraging contacts with materials when those contacts aren’t interested?
Your reputation suffers. This is evident especially with respect to email marketing. Too many bounces or complaints can render you as a shutdown for penalty, leaving you dead in the water.
But if you’re only reaching out to leads you not only know are real, but want your business….
Then you’re indeed set up for success

But you can’t do it without Validiform – the leader in the lead validation market.
Easy to set up and user-friendly, the technology in this software is second to none in capturing the accurate information necessary, saving human-readable consent from your website visitors without blemish., plus you get long-term storage of any consent videos and credentials.
Sign up for one of our top packages below!